Whole People Help People. We help families grow beyond stigmas, beyond past struggles, beyond judgment to create a more connected family unit. We strive to give each family member their individual voice. We don’t focus just on ADHD, but rather all facets of strengths-based family dynamics, including positive parenting, personal identity, and the authentic emotional well-being of all family members.

About Us
Whole Child. Whole Parents.
Whole Families.
Whole Family ADHD is both an expert led resource and learning center for parents with children affected by ADHD, as well as a community driven cohort for parents to engage, learn, and thrive together.
Whole Family ADHD looks beyond the diagnosis, with the belief that ADHD is just one factor in the complicated interwoven fabric of personal and family dynamics. We empower the whole child. The Whole parent. The Whole family. When we’re whole, we heal.
Katrina McCullough
Founder of Whole Family ADHD
Welcome PACK! If you're new to me...I'm a mom of three, former school teacher turned IT Program Director, Foster parent and dog lover! I have two children with ADHD, one husband with ADHD and... Yep, I've got ADHD too! I've got a loud, crazy, magical house where we celebrate all of our ups and downs, a thriving career and deep gratitude for all that we've experienced and all that's yet to come.
You may be thinking, 'Sure Lady, that sounds amazing, but I'm not like you.' Wait - we may more similar than you think! Just a few years ago I was a mess. I hated my job. I couldn't get a handle on my children's behavior at all. My husband and I were fighting constantly. Life was HARD. I couldn't catch my breath ever. Does that sound more familiar?
So how did I make the transition? I made it my personal mission. I took what I had learned as a school teacher and foster parent, and I assembled teams of life coaches, behavioral therapists; I read books, I went to conferences, workshops and trainings; and above all else, I gave myself space to re-learn.
And from that?
A program whittled down and specifically designed to help you find your emotional center, fall back in love with yourself, reconnect with your children, and learn the key secrets to creating harmony in your home - even with a household full of ADHD — and I want to share this with you!